Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Baby Darryl finally had the hiccups!! Chris and I went to see the movie Avatar with some friends and toward the middle I started feeling what seemed like a tiny kick but it was different and to a rhythem! I was cracking up because I had just been talking with some friends of mine the other day about how badly I wanted him to get hiccups because I wanted to know what it felt like!

Well now, he won't stop! He had had hiccups at least once a day for the last three days! Its so much fun, but extremely distracting when your trying to talk to someone!

Not much longer.... baby Darryl get here soon!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!

We are so excited about Christmas! The other night we went out with Stephanie and John Mark to Cuppies and Joe! It was so much fun!
And... Baby Darryl got his first picture with SANTA!!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

8 Weeks to go!

Well I can't believe it, but I am 32 weeks pregnant! It seems like just yesterday we were finding out that we were going to have a baby and anxiously awaiting the 4 month mark so we could find out if it was a boy or a girl. And now he's almost here!! I can't believe it

The baby room is almost done! We got the crib set up and I painted a dresser. Now all we need is another storage shelf and a glider and we will be good to go! It was so much fun to finish the dresser and put all of his clothes in it! Its feeling more and more real... We even got his baby blanket from Michelle Fite and put that in his room... it looks so good!! I can't wait to tuck him into his little bed! We are having a baby shower soon so hopefully we will get the rest of the room ready in time for him to come!

Today was a little overwhelming... I think it finally really hit me that I'm about to be away from work for almost two months. It seems like right when I'm leaving there is so much going on at the church that I don't want to miss out on. I went to lunch with Stephanie today though and she made me feel a lot better. I know that once I see my little boy's face I won't want to go to work, but right now it has been a little tough thinking about it. I love my job! I know it is going to be hard to go back and be away from him once he is here...

We had another Drs appointment and everything looks good! I'm measuring 34 cm and I am supposed to be measuring 31. So they are going to check it again in two weeks and if he is still big then we will have an ultrasound to see whats going on. I kind of hope that he is just because I want to see him! It has been so long!!! It is a little crazy though...she said anytime I could start having contractions. Even though it would probably be Braxton Hicks it still is strange that I'm at the point when I could have contractions!!
Baby Darryl come soon!!! I can't wait to see you!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sick day...

Today was one of those days that made me want to get to see you all the more. I woke up achy, dizzy, and you had been doing ninja moves inside my tummy. At the advice of your Daddy I stayed home and rested. I couldn't stop thinking about you all day (because I can't wait to see you and because you were constantly kicking me :) ).

Oscar kept me company as I rested while Chris went to class. I had a range of emotions today... one minute I was really happy and the next I was psycho emotional. Gotta love those hormones! But then Chris came home with a toy helicopter and made me laugh so hard. He always has a way of making me feel so much better...even on days when I'm not feeling well at all. Then he took me out for some ice cream before we saw some friends for a little bit so I could get out of the house.

I can't wait for you to get to see your Daddy. I just thought about you and him playing with that toy helicopter, and about the times that he will take you to go get ice cream when you have a tough day. You two are going to have so much fun. I can't wait!!

I went to the doctor yesterday and you are right on track to be born Feb. 10! My womb measures 30 inches and your heartbeat was perfect! I'm so glad that things have gone so smoothly so far. It won't be long now and you'll be here... :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Baby Darryl very much enjoyed his first Thanksgiving! We went to Chris's aunt and uncles house and chowed down. I was pretty excited about how much food I could consume... until later when I regretted it because I was so full my back hurt! (how does that work?? :)).

My parents and brother have been in town the last few days and my uncle and grandma came in for the day yesterday. They brought lots of presents to add to Darryl's collection! We got some bibs and adorable clothes as well as a pacifier holder with his initial on it! We are so excited to get to see him in them!

The other day, Evan came over and we finished painting the baby room! At first we were going to do circles, but when we looked at the bedding again we decided to try and duplicate the squares that were on the fabric. It was so fun painting and jamming out to country music. Its crazy to think that not too long from now Darryl will be in this room!! I hope he likes it! Thanks Evan for all your help!

We still have a long way to go in the baby room...but we are getting close! I had lunch with Kristi Harrington the other day and we talked about the baby shower... its not too long away! I can't believe he's almost here... I also got signed up for birthing and baby classes. I have a feeling the next two months could either fly by or take forever!!!

I'll post more pics of the baby room as it gets done...but here is a pic of the accent wall we decorated! The walls are gray blue and the squares are a dark blue with white outline.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I can't wait...

Today was a pretty stressful day. Work was really busy and surprise interuptions kept happening that left me exhausted at the end of the day. But everytime I felt really overwhelmed with it all... you started kicking me.

And it was like everything would just melt away and all I could think about was how excited I am that you are coming soon. In less then 3 months I will get to see your face, hear your voice, look into your eyes, and hold those little feet that are kicking me right now. I found myself constantly thinking...what are you going to be like? What is your personality going to be like? What bad habits will you get from me? Will you have your Daddy's curly hair? What talents and passions will you have?

I know that your life is in God's hands. My prayer is that your Daddy and I will be faithful to raise you in the best way we can according to Scripture. The rest is up to God. I pray that I will always see you as His child first, and my child second. Even now He is shaping you into the man that He wants you to be. I just can't wait to see the masterpiece that He has been creating in my womb!

Sweet Darryl, I think about you all the time. I pray for your health and even now I pray that God will grab hold of your heart and that you will be a man who lives for Him. I'm so blessed to get to be your mother and for God to give me such a precious gift. I hope I never forget how blessed I am to get to have a child. Praise God, for you are truly a gift from Him!

I love you sweet boy... now get some sleep so mommy can rest! :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

One Active Little Boy!

Well Baby Darryl is a lot like his mommy- he is always on the move! His kicks are getting so big! I just can't believe how big he must be getting. The other day, chris put his ear up to my belly and Darryl kicked his head! This morning I was with stephanie and as soon as I mentioned wanting to try her pumpkin butter he went crazy! (I'm glad to know that he loves pumpkin as much as I do!)
Its so much fun to feel him move. I am so excited to get to see him face to face and to get to see what his little personality will be like. We are so blessed!
The baby room is textured! Now I just need to figure out how I want to paint it! I will post pics soon!
But Darryl is making me sleepy... Good night!

Monday, November 2, 2009

6 Month Appointment

Well we went in for our six month appointment today and they said that everything is going great! They said that baby Darryl is completely developed now, and so all that is left is for him to get bigger!

And bigger he has gotten! The last two months I have gained 20 pounds! Overall I've already gained 25. The doctor told me that that was fine... I look healthy and since I'm smaller to begin with I should expect to put on some weight pretty fast. Although it is fun to have people comment on my "cute belly", I can definately feel the weight! My bones are achy and my muscles have been really sore. My stomach feels like it won't stretch anymore but I know I have a long way to go! Luckily nausea has calmed down so the main thing I'm battling now is sleepiness.

Baby Darryl is quite the Ninja! He has been kicking like crazy!! He definately doesn't like heart moniters... Chris and I bought a cheap one to listen to his heartbeat and as soon as we put it on my stomach he tried to kick it off! He did the same thing again today to the nurse! He especially enjoys kicking at night when mommy is trying to sleep... :) One time he even kicked Daddy in the head when he was listening to my belly!

But one of the most exciting things occured a few nights ago at one of our friend's houses! Baby Darryl not only kicked, he kind of rolled a little bit so I actually could feel a body part with my hand! I think it was an arm...but I'm not sure! It was so cool!!

I should have pics of the transformation of the baby room soon! We are hoping to get started on in this week...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mom, Grandma, and tiny Abbey

We had some great visitors today! My mom and grandma came into town and brought grandma's new TINY puppy. We laughed and had a great time as we prayed that Oscar wouldn't eat her! Mom brought us two more cute baby outfits and we were so excited!!

You might notice in these pictures that I look a bit more comfertable... well you are right! I finally have the gloriousness that is MATERNITY PANTS! Amy and Amanda Wood took me shopping last week and I was able to get some really great clothes. I didn't realize how uncomfertable I was until I put clothes that fit on! Thank you so much Amy and Amanda! You are such a blessing!

I might not ever wear normal pants again...

Another big blessing was we spent a lot of time with our friends Daryl and Evan this week and I think we figured out a plan for what to do with Darryl when I go back to work. We are praying that it will work out with our budget but what a relief to get a plan in place!

This week we will be working on the baby room!! Troy's mom Michelle made us the cutest quilt and is going to make the bedding for our crib! So the decision has been made....his room is going to be green and blue with dinosaurs and footballs! We are so excited!!!

Besides that... Baby Darryl is just kicking like crazy!! I can't believe I'm 6 months.. time has FLOWN by!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What a crazy few weeks!

Oh my goodness baby Darryl has had a very busy last couple of weeks!
First, we went to Dallas to for Jessica's bachelorette party... (soooo fun!)
Then we went to VEGAS with some of our closest friends (oh my gosh sooo fun!)

And THEN we went to En Fuego, a middle school retreat at our church (amazing!)

And THEN we had Dustin and Jessica's wedding! (fitting into my bridesmaids dress was pretty crazy!)

Whew!! We are both tired!!! Darryl did really well though on all these trips. My only sick point was on the plane ride back from Vegas....it really is a pretty funny experience to throw up on a plane... I had never done that before! Chris started laughing as I'm puking into this tiny green bag...and then the guy next to me starts laughing and says "Rough flight huh?" When Chris told him I was pregnant, he said congratulations :). They proceeded to have a conversation about it while I continued vomiting.... and I was sitting in the middle seat. It was actually pretty funny....

In between all of this craziness I had another check up and the doctor said that everything is going great! She has started to measure my womb everytime I come in... its amazing how big he is getting! I've been feeling pretty good...still get sick sometimes but not near as bad as the beginning. I am almost 23 weeks... its crazy to think that we are more then half way there! Baby Darryl I can't wait for you to get here!!!

Oh my Jimmy John's cravings continue... the other night I went at like 9 pm and the manager said "Hey its pregnant lady! She comes at night too!" Thats when you know you have an obsession...

More to come!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ohhhh the many joys of pregnancy..

I always knew that my first time being pregnant would be interesting. I always wondered....what would it be like to have a child growing inside of your belly? What would I look like? How would I change? Would I be moody? All kinds of questions... now I know and it is so amazing!

I thought I would take the time to document some of these things...

  • I didn't think it was possible to throw up so much. Nausea has reared its ugly head for this pregnant woman. Whats funny is that it almost always hits when I'm in the car... so lets just say many streets and parking lots have been "blessed" by my sickness...
  • When your muscles are being stretched it is an interesting feeling. The last few days my hips have been killing me! And my stomach feels like its a balloon that it too small so it has to be stretched. Plus my right leg randomly cramps up...its so weird!
  • I had no idea how much I had grown. When I first found out I was pregnant (June) I went to go get fitted for a bridesmaids dress for a wedding I'm in in October. The lady told me to try on dresses to see what I would normally wear and then we can order a few sizes bigger. I wore a 2... and to be super safe I ordered an 8. I tried it on last night (3 months later) Its almost too tight!
  • Every day it seems like I switch from being super sleepy... so much so that I can barely make it through work and when I get home I just want to put sweatpants on and curl up in bed (thats what I'm doing right now actually.. :)) OR I have this INSANE energy and I texture and paint our whole hallway (is this what nesting is??).
  • I'm finally to the stage where I want to eat all the time! I have a pretty impressive stock of snacks at the office, and Chris is always laughing at the random things I eat around the house.
  • I haven't had any major food diversions except I have recently refused to eat at Which Wich... not really sure why...
  • I'm hoping that I haven't been grumpy but I definately have been emotional! Mention one thing about a baby and I'm tearing up!
  • Baby Darryl is moving now! It keeps me up at night but its sooo cool. Feels like a butterfly trying to punch my stomach. Chris felt it for the first time the other night. It is really weird when he's moving while I'm talking to people...its really hard to concentrate on a conversation!!
  • It still doesn't seem real. Every day is like a dream...sometimes I have to remind myself that I really am pregnant (or the nausea reminds me!)

There have definately been rough days, but in all its been so great. I'm already a little sad for the day when I'm not pregnant anymore...but then I realize that that means baby Darryl is here so I'm ok with that!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I can't even begin to express how excited I am... words can't even explain this feeling...

We both were so excited all day, I was at work and Chris was at school. Neither of us could concentrate... all we wanted was for it to be 4:15 p.m. so we could go to the ultrasound and see if we were having a boy or girl...

My day definitely brightened when Sara walked by my office and said... you should really go up front... so I walked up front and there was a HUGE bouquet of roses from Chris. There were pink roses and white roses with blue tips. The vase had a blue and pink ribbon. It was awesome! I felt so loved and spoiled..

When 2:30p.m. finally rolled around my mom and grandma picked me up. We went home and anxiously waited for Chris to get home and for 4 p.m. to come so we could leave for the doctor. We left and then had to sit in the waiting room what felt like FOREVER. Chris's aunt Kim met us there and we were all shaking with excited. I gripped tight to Chris's hand.... we were soooo nervous. Was our baby ok? Was it a boy or a girl? Was it healthy? So many thoughts raced through our mind.

They called us back and we got our first piece of good news...the blood test results were negative. No sign of Spina Bifida. (Once we did the ultrasound they were confident that there are no signs of Spina Bifida, we are so thankful for the prayers of our friends and family).

The nurse left for a few moments and I turned to Chris and said..."Can I be honest with you about something? I really do want a boy..." Chris agreed but we both knew that we would be excited either way.

Once they got started, after only a few moments, the nurse said..."oohh! Look at his hand! Five fingers!" To which I replied "Did you just say HIS?!?!?!" Yes it was true (and VERY obvious...our son was not shy!) that it is a boy!! Everyone in the room started to cry. I turned to Chris and said, "We have a 'Little Man!'

We took lots of pictures, I'll scan them and post them soon. We are so incredibly blessed and excited. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us. We could feel your prayers while we were in that room. So please help us in continueing to pray for little Darryl Wehunt! :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Only two more days!

Two more days to go and we will find out if our baby is a boy or a girl!!! I am so excited. I can't believe that its already time to find that out! It seems like just yesterday we were telling everyone that we were pregnant. It still doesn't seem real. I'm sure that once we know the gender it will seem more real (plus..my belly is growing now.... weird!!!)

I've finally come to the point that I will be excited either way. Forever I was strictly "I want a boy....all boys..no girls" but over the last few weeks I've been thinking about how amazing it would be to have a little girl... so now either way I'll be excited. I can't wait to tell you the news!!!! Look for an update on Tuesday... my appointment is at 4:15 p.m.

Friday, September 11, 2009

What a surprise!

It is official...the Wehunts are having a baby! It was definately a surprise but we are so excited. I have been trying to think of ways to chronicle this event in our lives that is bound to bring up some very entertaining stories. Then I looked at my friend Stephanie's blog and was inspired to write my own! So here we go world, get ready to hear what its like in the Wehunt household with a baby on the way!

I guess the best way to start this story is with how we found out that I was pregnant. I always had this picture in my head that I would find out and then be able to tell Chris in some really creative, romantic way.

Well... it definately wasn't romantic...

But it wound up happening in a far better way!!

I had been shopping all day with Jacie and I kept mentioning little things that had been strange... I had gained weight, my face had broken out, etc. We didn't really think about it (we were very focused on the clothes we were shopping for) but when we got back to her house I mentioned how tired I had been lately. It was like something clicked in all of our minds at the same time. Jokingly, we laughed about running out and getting a pregnancy test. Now, you must realize that I had been very paranoid in the past and had probably taken dozens of pregnancy tests..and they were always negative. So I really didn't think much of it. But after much coaxing Jacie and I ran to Walgreens to grab the test.

I got back to their house and went to take the test. Let me tell you...it was so romantic (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice :) While waiting on the test Chris is beating on the door, yelling about how he has to use the restroom. Troy and Jacie are laughing... and then two lines show up on the test. POSITIVE.

I opened the door...blank expression on my face. Chris just looked at me and said...are you SERIOUS?? All I could muster was a brief "Am I reading this right??" We looked at the test, looked at the instructions, and then looked at the test again... it was definately positive. Troy and Jacie didn't know what was going on yet so they were still laughing at the whole idea of it when Troy saw Chris's face. The entire house erupted into celebration as I started crying and Chris stood in absolute shock.

We didn't want to tell anyone until we went to the doctor, but that night we had promised a bunch of kids from church that we would play underground church with them. We went....but you couldn't ignore the shock on Chris and I's face (as well as Troy and Jacie's!) The entire time, Troy kept whispering... Keep you hand off your stomach!

It was an amazing night. We went home, cried and celebrated and then went to the doctor the next day (He just laughed when he saw the test was positive...thanks Willie! :).

We are scared but beyond excited. Parenthood here we come....