Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Baby Darryl finally had the hiccups!! Chris and I went to see the movie Avatar with some friends and toward the middle I started feeling what seemed like a tiny kick but it was different and to a rhythem! I was cracking up because I had just been talking with some friends of mine the other day about how badly I wanted him to get hiccups because I wanted to know what it felt like!

Well now, he won't stop! He had had hiccups at least once a day for the last three days! Its so much fun, but extremely distracting when your trying to talk to someone!

Not much longer.... baby Darryl get here soon!!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!

We are so excited about Christmas! The other night we went out with Stephanie and John Mark to Cuppies and Joe! It was so much fun!
And... Baby Darryl got his first picture with SANTA!!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

8 Weeks to go!

Well I can't believe it, but I am 32 weeks pregnant! It seems like just yesterday we were finding out that we were going to have a baby and anxiously awaiting the 4 month mark so we could find out if it was a boy or a girl. And now he's almost here!! I can't believe it

The baby room is almost done! We got the crib set up and I painted a dresser. Now all we need is another storage shelf and a glider and we will be good to go! It was so much fun to finish the dresser and put all of his clothes in it! Its feeling more and more real... We even got his baby blanket from Michelle Fite and put that in his room... it looks so good!! I can't wait to tuck him into his little bed! We are having a baby shower soon so hopefully we will get the rest of the room ready in time for him to come!

Today was a little overwhelming... I think it finally really hit me that I'm about to be away from work for almost two months. It seems like right when I'm leaving there is so much going on at the church that I don't want to miss out on. I went to lunch with Stephanie today though and she made me feel a lot better. I know that once I see my little boy's face I won't want to go to work, but right now it has been a little tough thinking about it. I love my job! I know it is going to be hard to go back and be away from him once he is here...

We had another Drs appointment and everything looks good! I'm measuring 34 cm and I am supposed to be measuring 31. So they are going to check it again in two weeks and if he is still big then we will have an ultrasound to see whats going on. I kind of hope that he is just because I want to see him! It has been so long!!! It is a little crazy though...she said anytime I could start having contractions. Even though it would probably be Braxton Hicks it still is strange that I'm at the point when I could have contractions!!
Baby Darryl come soon!!! I can't wait to see you!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sick day...

Today was one of those days that made me want to get to see you all the more. I woke up achy, dizzy, and you had been doing ninja moves inside my tummy. At the advice of your Daddy I stayed home and rested. I couldn't stop thinking about you all day (because I can't wait to see you and because you were constantly kicking me :) ).

Oscar kept me company as I rested while Chris went to class. I had a range of emotions today... one minute I was really happy and the next I was psycho emotional. Gotta love those hormones! But then Chris came home with a toy helicopter and made me laugh so hard. He always has a way of making me feel so much better...even on days when I'm not feeling well at all. Then he took me out for some ice cream before we saw some friends for a little bit so I could get out of the house.

I can't wait for you to get to see your Daddy. I just thought about you and him playing with that toy helicopter, and about the times that he will take you to go get ice cream when you have a tough day. You two are going to have so much fun. I can't wait!!

I went to the doctor yesterday and you are right on track to be born Feb. 10! My womb measures 30 inches and your heartbeat was perfect! I'm so glad that things have gone so smoothly so far. It won't be long now and you'll be here... :)