Sunday, August 22, 2010

Crawling and Grunting

Ohhhh seems like you are doing something new every day!
About a week ago, you OFFICIALLY started crawling. You had been scooting for a long time, and you could definately get around that way, but as of a few days ago you learned how to put one hand in front of the other and you are officially moving around...and fast!

Yesterday I went into the kitchen to put your bottle in the sink and when I came back you were on the other side of the living room and in your diaper basket throwing your diapers all over the place. When I walked in you just looked at me and smiled...almost like you were saying... "I'm not doing anything wrong Mommy..."

Yesterday morning you imitated Daddy for the first time and it was so funny! You woke up around 7:30, so I grabbed you and put you in bed with us for a little bit. You crawled around, laughed, grabbed Daddy's beard while he was trying to sleep, and at one point you just rolled onto your back with a content little smile...just looking into my eyes. I was already in heaven when you Daddy stretched and made a grunting sound. You looked at him, put your hands over your head to "stretch", and did the same grunt! We thought it was a coincedence so Chris grunted again...and you did it again! We laughed and laughed while you did it several times.

You are so much fun!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Standing man!

Well this week Darryl did something that I wasn't expecting... yes he is still working on crawling and sitting, but before he decided to perfect those things, he decided to STAND UP! I couldn't believe it!!!

We were over at the Smith's house and we had just come in from a day of swimming. We were playing on his blanket when his bouncy seat caught his eye. So he rolled over and proceeded to scoot toward it. He had studied it before so I didn't really think anything of it. First he gets one hand on it, then he gets the other. From there he gets onto his knees and starts bouncing. The whole time I'm sitting there thinking, "how cool! He has never done that before! That is so cute!"

Next thing I know he has a burst of energy and leaps to his feet! At this point he is standing straight up and down, looking around the room. He catches my eye after about 30 seconds and laughs. He then falls, bonks his head and cries so I immediately scooped him up and we celebrated. It was so cool!

So I thought it was a fluke but nope! He has done it several times a day, every day since. He loves it! He is always looking for things to pull up on.

The funny thing is, it wasn't until yesterday (four days later) that he finally got good at sitting up on his own! Anyone else find this to be a weird order of things???

I'm so proud of you son! You are going to be a handful, I can already tell!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Back from Beach Week!

We have been back from camp for a week now and today is the first day that we all aren't just plain exhausted! It has been an amazing last few weeks!

Daddy and I left for Beach Week so you spent the week with your grandma Vickie and grandpa James. We missed you like crazy but I know that you had a great time. Grandma and grandpa took you to see Grandpa's side of the family in Pryor and Welch OK. They said that you did so great in the car and that everyone loved you! On your trip you saw Great Grandma Ella, Aunt Jo and Uncle Ernest, Aunt Patty and Uncle Wayne, Uncle Charlie, Great Grandma Thelma, Aunt Rubie, and Uncle John. Whew! They all loved you and had a great time playing with you. Your Grandma Ella even gave you an amazing quilt that she made just for you!

You have done so many things! I could tell as soon as we got home that you had grown so much just in a week! When you saw me when I got home you immediately smiled. I snatched you up and hugged and kissed you like crazy. But it was when you saw your Daddy that your eyes really lit up! You reached for him and as soon as you were in his arms you grabbed his beard and let out a sigh of relief.

You are doing so many new things! The first thing I noticed was that you were pulling yourself up in the bathtub and splashing while in the sitting position. So much fun!

Also, you are a crawling machine! You haven't gotten the exact moves down yet (you have your legs figured out but your arms can't keep up) but you will "crawl" all over the place. One of my favorite new games is to lay a blanket down and have you chase me all over the blanket. You are really fast! I can't imagine how fast you will be once you are actually crawling!

Plus, you are getting better and better at sitting up! Its so funny to watch you work so hard at it. You always have this look of concentration....

You laugh all the time now and your personality is really starting to come out. You just get more and more fun as the months pass by, and soon you will be six months old! I can't believe it!

More to come!