Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mom, Grandma, and tiny Abbey

We had some great visitors today! My mom and grandma came into town and brought grandma's new TINY puppy. We laughed and had a great time as we prayed that Oscar wouldn't eat her! Mom brought us two more cute baby outfits and we were so excited!!

You might notice in these pictures that I look a bit more comfertable... well you are right! I finally have the gloriousness that is MATERNITY PANTS! Amy and Amanda Wood took me shopping last week and I was able to get some really great clothes. I didn't realize how uncomfertable I was until I put clothes that fit on! Thank you so much Amy and Amanda! You are such a blessing!

I might not ever wear normal pants again...

Another big blessing was we spent a lot of time with our friends Daryl and Evan this week and I think we figured out a plan for what to do with Darryl when I go back to work. We are praying that it will work out with our budget but what a relief to get a plan in place!

This week we will be working on the baby room!! Troy's mom Michelle made us the cutest quilt and is going to make the bedding for our crib! So the decision has been made....his room is going to be green and blue with dinosaurs and footballs! We are so excited!!!

Besides that... Baby Darryl is just kicking like crazy!! I can't believe I'm 6 months.. time has FLOWN by!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What a crazy few weeks!

Oh my goodness baby Darryl has had a very busy last couple of weeks!
First, we went to Dallas to for Jessica's bachelorette party... (soooo fun!)
Then we went to VEGAS with some of our closest friends (oh my gosh sooo fun!)

And THEN we went to En Fuego, a middle school retreat at our church (amazing!)

And THEN we had Dustin and Jessica's wedding! (fitting into my bridesmaids dress was pretty crazy!)

Whew!! We are both tired!!! Darryl did really well though on all these trips. My only sick point was on the plane ride back from really is a pretty funny experience to throw up on a plane... I had never done that before! Chris started laughing as I'm puking into this tiny green bag...and then the guy next to me starts laughing and says "Rough flight huh?" When Chris told him I was pregnant, he said congratulations :). They proceeded to have a conversation about it while I continued vomiting.... and I was sitting in the middle seat. It was actually pretty funny....

In between all of this craziness I had another check up and the doctor said that everything is going great! She has started to measure my womb everytime I come in... its amazing how big he is getting! I've been feeling pretty good...still get sick sometimes but not near as bad as the beginning. I am almost 23 weeks... its crazy to think that we are more then half way there! Baby Darryl I can't wait for you to get here!!!

Oh my Jimmy John's cravings continue... the other night I went at like 9 pm and the manager said "Hey its pregnant lady! She comes at night too!" Thats when you know you have an obsession...

More to come!