Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An oddly sweet moment...

Well Darryl, you have been a little sickly these past few weeks. Allergies have been at an all time high and even though your standing more and more now (which helps the drainage) your still swallowing a lot of snot! Your doctor thinks thats why you have been throwing up every once and a while. Not fun for you, and very scary for Mommy and Daddy when it happens!

One of your throw up incidents will always stick out in my mind though because of how amazing your Daddy is. You were in your high chair and I was feeding you while talking with my friend Hannah. I heard you start to cough a little, and then that unmistakeable sound... I looked back at you and you had thrown up all over yourself and your high chair.

I'm not going to lie to you... I was pretty grossed out. My first reaction was, "Oh wow how in the world am I going to get all of this cleaned up?" You of course were bawling. You were covered. That's when the moment happend that I will never forget. Your Daddy was in the living room and he of course ran into the kitchen as soon as he saw what had happend. Without hesitation, he grabbed you and held you close to his chest, not caring that this meant that he was getting your gunk all over his new white shirt. He wasn't grossed out. He didn't wait for someone else to get you. He didn't hesitate. His first reaction was to hold you and make you feel better.

Your Daddy loves you more then you could ever imagine Darryl. I pray that even when you guys butt heads in the future, that you will never forget that he loves you more then you could possibly imagine.

We love you sweetheart. Hope you feel better soon!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Snuggly Evening

Today was a day that Darryl went to CLC, so his nap schedule was a little off. We put him down for a nap at 4 and he slept until 6 p.m. We went in to go get him and he was still really tired. Chris and I had been watching a movie so we brought him in to our room with us and laid him down on Chris's chest. He was so snuggly! He was in the perfect between stage of sleepy yet awake. I laid my head on Chris's shoulder and just stared into Darryl's eyes and he just laid their contently and smiled back at me. It was heaven! We laid there for another 30 minutes and it was amazing. He would smile and me and Chris and do sweet little laughs in between fighting sleep. I could have stared at that little face forever!!