Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day at the Zoo

Today, Darryl made his first trip to the zoo! He slept really well last night, and so we woke up and had a really pleasant morning. One of my favorite things to do with him is to lay him on a blanket on his boppy and read to him from my chronological Bible while I sip coffee and attempt to wake up. Sometimes I think I bore him because of his cute yawns :)

Once we got dressed Chris noticed how nice of a day it was so he had the idea that we should all go to the zoo! Darryl was so excited that... he fell asleep :)

But we bundled him up and met up with the Rigdons and the Loehrs at the Oklahoma City Zoo. It was so much fun to be outside and spend time with friends. Plus, we definately put his stroller to good use! Darryl pretty much slept the whole time but I think that means he was having a ball. :) I love him being a baby, so don't get me wrong I don't want this stage to fly by, but I can't wait to see what he will be like when he is older and really knows what is going on around him. It will be so amazing to see his personality and see what kind of questions and thoughts he has.

Well Darryl, you are almost a month old. I can't believe it!!!!

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