Saturday, September 25, 2010

End of Summer Review... Part One

Ok so these past couple of months have been a little crazy in the Wehunt household. Chris is still working away at his 25 hours of school and full time job while I'm working full time and attempting to keep our home in order (key word being "attempting" :) ). It has pretty much felt like we have been doing all we can just to keep our heads above water! But baby Darryl has been doing so great and has been so resilient through it all. We are also so thankful for so many friends who have helped watch him and encouraged Chris and I as we battle these next few months until he graduates. It has been a hard couple months but also has been so incredible for our marriage. It's funny how when we go through hard times God keeps bringing Chris and I closer together. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and adorable son!!
Anyway, enough with the sappy stuff. I was looking at all our pictures and realized how far behind I am on updating the blog! So I'm just going to start doing some recap posts from the last few months starting with... Baby Darryl's love of water!
First of all, Darryl LOVES baths. Like is obsessed with them. It doesn't matter if he is tired, hungry, or just plain throw him in the bathtub and he is the happiest guy in the world. About a month ago, he outgrew his baby tub! He now sits in the big boy tub all by himself. He loves crawling around, splashing, and getting water poured on his head!

He also loves to swim! There were so many weekends this summer that we would take him to Karen's to swim in her pool. He loved crawling around as well as swimming in the deeper water. Chris and my Dad worked with him and he will even put his head underwater! He always comes up laughing.
We went to Nashville in August (more on that to come) and while we were there we went to a park that had fountains that came out from the ground. He LOVED it, even when he got splashed in the face! He would keep crawling over and sticking his face right over the fountain. One time I didn't get to him in time and it got him really good...and he just laughed! He probably would have stayed all day but his little knees were getting skinned up from the pavement! We had a great time!

Its crazy to think that this time next year he will be running around and really swimming! That will be a fun summer!

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