Friday, April 23, 2010

Whoo hoo!!

Darryl has slept through the night all week!!! Chris and I are like all new people! Getting sleep is a great thing!!! We are keeping our fingers crossed that its not just a phase... He is consistently sleeping from 10:30 p.m. to close to 7 a.m.! And he is so much fun when we wakes up... he has been waking up so happy and giggly.

Darryl is also getting really good at laying on his tummy and lifting his head up really high! It is soo cute. Tonight we got on the web cam with my parents and we put the camera right in front of him and he picked up his head and stared right at it. It was soooo cute! I am constantly amazed by how blessed we are to have him and how blessed we are that he is so healthy and happy.

Today he got SO close to rolling from his back to his tummy! I had him on the living room floor with the TV behind him and he was twisting around trying to watch Deal or No Deal. He got really close but then got tired and gave up. I think it might happen soon though! He also played a fun game today... I had him on my bed while I was folding laundry. He was on his tummy and he would keep lifting his head really high and then throwing it to the side, causing him to flip over really fast. At first I thought it was going to scare him, but he would smile every time and wait for me to put him back on his tummy so he could do it again.

I love him!!! Part of me wants him to get older so I can see what kind of man he becomes but right now I just want him to stay just like this forever!!!
Here are more pics!

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